Results for 'Carmen D. Baeza Ordóñez'

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  1. Lo público y lo privado en el derecho.Carmen D. Baeza Ordóñez - 2019 - In Angel Sánchez de la Torre, Pinto Fontanillo & José Antonio (eds.), Actualización del pensamiento jurídico: conferencias y recensiones en torno al X Congreso Internacional de las Academias Jurídicas Iberoamericanas. Madrid, [Spain]: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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    Investigating the Effects of Anger and Guilt on Unethical Behavior: A Dual-Process Approach.Daphna Motro, Lisa D. Ordóñez, Andrea Pittarello & David T. Welsh - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (1):133-148.
    Although emotion has become one of the most popular research areas within organizational scholarship, few studies have considered its connection with unethical behavior. Using dual-process theory, we expand on the rationalist perspective within the field of behavioral ethics by considering the process through which two discrete emotions, anger and guilt, influence unethical behavior. Across two studies using different methodologies, we found that anger increases unethical behavior whereas guilt reduces unethical behavior. These effects were mediated by impulsive and deliberative processing. Overall, (...)
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    Literature Reviews on Wind Turbines and Health: Are They Enough?Carmen M. E. Krogh, Roy D. Jeffery & Brett Horner - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (5):399-413.
    Industrial wind turbines (IWTs) are a new source of community noise to which relatively few people have yet been exposed. IWTs are being erected at a rapid pace in proximity to human habitation. Some people report experiencing adverse health effects as a result of living in the environs of IWTs. In order to address public concerns and assess the plausibility of reported adverse health effects, a number of literature reviews have been commissioned by various organizations. This article explores some of (...)
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  4. Forêt Vierge, une contribution au mythe amazonien, par la nature et par les hommes.Carmen Rezende D. O. Vale - 2004 - Iris 27:25-30.
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    Air Pollution Monitoring Using WSN Nodes with Machine Learning Techniques: A Case Study.Paul D. Rosero-Montalvo, Vivian F. López-Batista, Ricardo Arciniega-Rocha & Diego H. Peluffo-Ordóñez - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (4):599-610.
    Air pollution is a current concern of people and government entities. Therefore, in urban scenarios, its monitoring and subsequent analysis is a remarkable and challenging issue due mainly to the variability of polluting-related factors. For this reason, the present work shows the development of a wireless sensor network that, through machine learning techniques, can be classified into three different types of environments: high pollution levels, medium pollution and no noticeable contamination into the Ibarra City. To achieve this goal, signal smoothing (...)
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    Generative AI models should include detection mechanisms as a condition for public release.Alistair Knott, Dino Pedreschi, Raja Chatila, Tapabrata Chakraborti, Susan Leavy, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, David Eyers, Andrew Trotman, Paul D. Teal, Przemyslaw Biecek, Stuart Russell & Yoshua Bengio - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (4):1-7.
    The new wave of ‘foundation models’—general-purpose generative AI models, for production of text (e.g., ChatGPT) or images (e.g., MidJourney)—represent a dramatic advance in the state of the art for AI. But their use also introduces a range of new risks, which has prompted an ongoing conversation about possible regulatory mechanisms. Here we propose a specific principle that should be incorporated into legislation: that any organization developing a foundation model intended for public use must demonstrate a reliable detection mechanism for the (...)
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    AI content detection in the emerging information ecosystem: new obligations for media and tech companies.Alistair Knott, Dino Pedreschi, Toshiya Jitsuzumi, Susan Leavy, David Eyers, Tapabrata Chakraborti, Andrew Trotman, Sundar Sundareswaran, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Przemyslaw Biecek, Adrian Weller, Paul D. Teal, Subhadip Basu, Mehmet Haklidir, Virginia Morini, Stuart Russell & Yoshua Bengio - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (4):1-14.
    The world is about to be swamped by an unprecedented wave of AI-generated content. We need reliable ways of identifying such content, to supplement the many existing social institutions that enable trust between people and organisations and ensure social resilience. In this paper, we begin by highlighting an important new development: providers of AI content generators have new obligations to support the creation of reliable detectors for the content they generate. These new obligations arise mainly from the EU’s newly finalised (...)
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    La critica Sanjuanista en los últimos veinte años.Eulogio de la O. C. D. Virgen del Carmen - 1961 - Salmanticensis 8 (1):195-246.
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    El pensamiento filosófico latinoamericano, del Caribe y "latino" (1300-2000): historia, corrientes, temas y filósofos.Enrique D. Dussel, Eduardo Mendieta, M. Bohórquez & L. Carmen (eds.) - 2011 - México, D.F.: Siglo XXI.
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    Correction: AI content detection in the emerging information ecosystem: new obligations for media and tech companies.Alistair Knott, Dino Pedreschi, Toshiya Jitsuzumi, Susan Leavy, David Eyers, Tapabrata Chakraborti, Andrew Trotman, Sundar Sundareswaran, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Przemyslaw Biecek, Adrian Weller, Paul D. Teal, Subhadip Basu, Mehmet Haklidir, Virginia Morini, Stuart Russell & Yoshua Bengio - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (4):1-2.
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    The parallelogram law in the works of d’Alembert and Kant.Carmen Martínez Adame - 2012 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 27 (3):365-388.
    We compare two approaches given to the parallelogram law as a fundamental notion in eighteenth century mechanics. The authors we study are Kant and d’Alembert and we use the context created by Newton’s Principia as our point of departure.En este artículo comparamos dos caminos seguidos en el tratamiento de la ley del paralelogramo como noción fundamental en la mecánica del siglo XVIII. Los autores que estudiamos son Kant y d’Alembert y utilizamos el contexto creado por los Principia de Newton como (...)
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  12. Genomics and Health Data Governance in Africa: Democratize the Use of Big Data and Popularize Public Engagement.Nchangwi Syntia Munung, Charmaine D. Royal, Carmen de Kock, Gordon Awandare, Victoria Nembaware, Seraphin Nguefack, Marsha Treadwell & Ambroise Wonkam - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):84-92.
    Effectively addressing ethical issues in precision medicine research in Africa requires a holistic social contract that integrates biomedical knowledge with local cultural values and Indigenous knowledge systems. Drawing on African epistemologies such as ubuntu and ujamaa and on our collective experiences in genomics and big data research for sickle cell disease, hearing impairment, and fragile X syndrome and the project Public Understanding of Big Data in Genomics Medicine in Africa, we envision a transformative shift in health research data governance in (...)
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    Reassessing the approach to informed consent: the case of unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in adult thalassemia patients.Salvatore Pisu, Giovanni Caocci, Ernesto D’Aloja, Fabio Efficace, Adriana Vacca, Eugenia Piras, Maria G. Orofino, Carmen Addari, Michela Pintor, Roberto Demontis, Federica Demuru, Maria R. Pittau, Gary S. Collins & Giorgio La Nasa - 2014 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 9:13.
    The informed consent process is the legal embodiment of the fundamental right of the individual to make decisions affecting his or her health., and the patient’s permission is a crucial form of respect of freedom and dignity, it becomes extremely important to enhance the patient’s understanding and recall of the information given by the physician. This statement acquires additional weight when the medical treatment proposed can potentially be detrimental or even fatal. This is the case of thalassemia patients pertaining to (...)
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  14. Esclaves et affranchis d'origine africaine: Le cas de l'Argentine.Carmen Bernand - 1998 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 105:325-340.
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    De la humillación a la gloria. El itinerario cristológico de Miguel Mañara en la iglesia de San Jorge de Sevilla.Eva María Ramírez Ordóñez - 2020 - Isidorianum 26 (51-52):153-169.
    El Hospital de la Santa Caridad de Sevilla puede ser contemplado desde múltiples perspectivas: artística, religiosa, histórica, etc. El propósito de este trabajo es abordar el estudio de este emblemático lugar sevillano desde el enfoque teológico que D. Miguel Mañara, su artífice, dejó inscrito en cada uno de sus rincones. Él quiso utilizar la via pulchritudinis como medio de evangelización, mostrando su propia concepción cristológica en un itinerario que muestra al visitante atemporal cómo alcanzar la gloria desde la humildad más (...)
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    La Grammaire dialectale de l’espagnol à travers le Corpus oral et sonore de l’espagnol rural (coser, Corpus oral y sonoro del español rural).Inés Fernández-Ordóñez - 2010 - Corpus 9:81-114.
    Le Corpus oral et sonore de l’espagnol rural(COSER) est un corpus d’enquêtes orales qui a pour but l’étude de la grammaire dialectale dans la péninsule ibérique. Dans cet article, les caractéristiques du COSER et la méthodologie suivie sont décrites et comparées à celles des atlas pour ce qui concerne la recherche sur la grammaire dialectale. Grâce au COSER, de nombreux aspects syntaxiques peu connus ou totalement ignorés des dialectes espagnols ont pu être étudiés, tels que plusieurs paradigmes pronominaux, la substitution (...)
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    Cyborg. Pensamiento nómada y deriva estética.Rita Vega Baeza - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (5):1-9.
    Desde que se completó la secuenciación del genoma humano, el hombre pierde su “esencia”, pasando a ser un texto interpretable y modificable: una subversión de la carne. D. Haraway (1995) ha sido una de las pioneras en el tema defendiendo al cyborg como una entidad polémica, un ciberorganismo que cuestiona, desde una cierta perspectiva de la filosofía de la técnica, –e incluso los feminismos– en la que se inscriben también Sloterdijk, Sandel. T. Aguilar, entre otros, la pretendida esencia humanista, misma (...)
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    Survey on Ethical Conduct Thresholds in Cardiologal Medical Practice in Argentina.Hernán C. Doval, Carlos D. Tajer, Raúl A. Borracci, Carmen Nuñez, Marisa Samarelli & Susana Tamini - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (2):68-75.
    The purpose of this study was to analyze the attitude of a group of cardiologists on the ethical conducts they would accept or adopt when encountered with different hypothetical situations of medical practice. Between August and September of 2011, 700 Argentine cardiologists were surveyed in situations which posed ethical dilemmas in the patient-physician relationship, among colleagues or involving financial agreements with employers or the pharmaceutical industry. Ethical conflicts were evidenced in a series of inappropriate conducts such as differential fees, trips (...)
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  19. Caracterización material y proceso de conservación de la Colección de documentos árabes manuscritos del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Granada.Teresa Espejo Arias, I. Lazarova Stoytcheva, D. Campillo García, A. Durán Benito & Carmen Jiménez de Haro - 2011 - Al-Qantara 32 (2):519-532.
    El texto que presentamos recoge las principales conclusiones que han derivado de los estudios sobre la Colección de documentos árabes del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Granada. Compuesta principalmente por documentos de carácter jurídico, el análisis del contenido de cada uno de ellos en relación con la materialidad del soporte y las tintas así como la coincidencia en el diseño y planificación de la página revelan el uso de idénticos protocolos de ejecución. Esta investigación nos está permitiendo, además, establecer coincidencias relevantes (...)
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    The Yogasūtras of Patañjali: On Concentration of MindThe Yogasutras of Patanjali: On Concentration of Mind.B. S. M., Fernando Tola, Carmen Dragonetti & K. D. Prithipaul - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):203.
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    Incorporating ethical principles into clinical research protocols: a tool for protocol writers and ethics committees.Rebecca H. Li, Mary C. Wacholtz, Mark Barnes, Liam Boggs, Susan Callery-D'Amico, Amy Davis, Alla Digilova, David Forster, Kate Heffernan, Maeve Luthin, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Lindsay McNair, Jennifer E. Miller, Jacquelyn Murphy, Luann Van Campen, Mark Wilenzick, Delia Wolf, Cris Woolston, Carmen Aldinger & Barbara E. Bierer - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (4):229-234.
    A novel Protocol Ethics Tool Kit (‘Ethics Tool Kit’) has been developed by a multi-stakeholder group of the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women9s Hospital and Harvard. The purpose of the Ethics Tool Kit is to facilitate effective recognition, consideration and deliberation of critical ethical issues in clinical trial protocols. The Ethics Tool Kit may be used by investigators and sponsors to develop a dedicated Ethics Section within a protocol to improve the consistency and transparency between clinical trial (...)
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    Les noces splendides des Incas et des Jésuites.Carmen Bernand - 2008 - Clio 27:197-203.
    En 1718, un peintre anonyme exécute une magnifique huile sur toile de grandes dimensions (174 x 166 cm) pour illustrer deux mariages de la descendance incasique impériale avec la Maison des Loyola et des Borgia, dont sont issus les deux saints jésuites du xvie siècle. Ces doubles noces ont eu lieu respectivement en 1572 et en 1611. Il s’agit donc d’événements du passé que ce tableau reproduit à grands frais, et dont la portée se mesure au nombre de copies qui (...)
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    Filósofos, filosofía y filosofías en la Encyclopédie de Diderot y D'Alembert.Carmen Silva - 2011 - Dianoia 56 (66):226-230.
    En esta nota crítica (i) se hace una breve descripción de cada uno de los artículos que componen Orayen: de la forma lógica al significado, (ii) se señalan algunas cuestiones que no están claras en ellos o en las réplicas de Orayen y, (iii) en la medida de lo posible, se indica si los autores desarrollan ulteriormente los problemas abordados en sus artículos. The aim of this critical note is threefold: (i) it briefly describes and comments on each of the (...)
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    Celles par qui les métissages arrivent.Carmen Bernand - 2008 - Clio 27:101-113.
    Les statuts hybrides sont en premier lieu ceux des métis, écartelés entre deux loyautés et deux appartenances. Ce texte porte plutôt sur « celles par qui les métissages arrivent », ces mères de métis, généralement indiennes, qui donnent à leurs enfants la langue maternelle et les enracinent dans le sol américain : deux atouts essentiels, mais qui sont disqualifiés par les discours que tiennent Espagnols et Indiens, en vertu de leur sensualité et de leurs vices supposés. Etres ambivalents par excellence, (...)
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  25. Penser le sujet dans le travail éducatif: entre activité et récit.Maria Pagoni-Andréani & Carole Baeza (eds.) - 2024 - Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France: Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
    Les recherches présentées dans cet ouvrage s'inscrivent dans deux grandes familles épistémologiques, celle des approches narratives et celle de l'analyse de l'activité. Les auteur(e)s convoquent les principes théoriques et méthodologiques de ces deux approches pour interroger la place du sujet dans le travail éducatif à partir de plusieurs points de vue : l'intersubjectivité d'une situation éducative et la spécificité de la rencontre qu'elle génère ; le rôle des outils narratifs et réflexifs dans l'émancipation de l'individu ; la prise en compte (...)
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    Book review:Michael D. Gordin: A well-ordered thing: Dmitrii mendeleev and the shadow of the periodic table, basic books, new York, 2004, 364 + XX pp., ISBN 0-465-02775-X, $30book review. [REVIEW]Carmen Giunta - 2005 - Foundations of Chemistry 7 (3):315-319.
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    Configurations d’un espace d’alliance thérapeutique et de négociation du soin, entre un adolescent malade chronique, ses parents et des soignants.Martine Janner-Raimondi, Diane Bedoin & Carole Baeza - 2019 - Revue Phronesis 8 (3-4):62-71.
    This article aims at achieving a detailed qualitative vision of the chronic disease in the adolescent population and its specific issues. To that end, a first-person experiential research based on significant events regarding healthcare pathways was developed. Six interviews were conducted with three practitioners. The results of this researchallow us to identify spaces of configuration in terms of parenthood, of therapeutic alliances and of negotiating care strategies between teenagers, parents and professionals.Which co-construction spaces should be built with the teenagers in (...)
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    Fracture strength testing of a self-passivating tungsten alloy at the micrometre scale.Moritz T. Lessmann, Aida Calvo, Christopher D. Hardie, Michael Porton, Nerea Ordás, Carmen García-Rosales & Paul M. Mummery - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-16.
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    Du sublime obscur dans les Désastres de la Guerre de Goya. La morsure de l’artiste contre le poignard des Lumières.Juan Carlos Baeza Soto - 2018 - Diogène 257 (1):135-155.
    Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828) manifeste dans les 82 gravures de la série Les désastres de la guerre, réalisées entre 1810 et 1815, un cri de protestation contre la violence du soulèvement du Dos de Mayo suite à l’invasion des troupes napoléoniennes, la guerre d'indépendance espagnole (1808–1814) et la Restauration bourbonienne qui s'ensuivit en 1814. Mais au lieu de développer une vision héroïque de la guerre Goya y représente la force des oppositions en prise avec la bestialité et brosse (...)
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    Comme des oiseaux.Carmen Pardo Salgado - 2010 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 5 (1):35-46.
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    Algunos matices ideológicos del siglo XVII en México: La controversia entre D. Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora y el Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino sobre la naturaleza y efectos de los cometas.María del Carmen Rovira Gaspar - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:289-304.
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  32. Algunos matices ideológicos del siglo XVII en México: la controversia entre D. Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora y el Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino sobre la naturaleza y efectos de los cometas.María Carmen Rovira Gaspar - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:289-304.
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    COMBINING SPATIAL AND TRADITIONAL APPROACHES IN CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY - (D.) Filippi (ed.) Rethinking the Roman City. The Spatial Turn and the Archaeology of Roman Italy. Pp. xvi + 252, fig., ills, maps. London and New York: Routledge, 2022. Cased, £120, US$160. ISBN: 978-0-815-36179-4. [REVIEW]Maria del Carmen Moreno Escobar - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):651-654.
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    The Arousal Effect of Exclusionary and Inclusionary Situations on Social Affiliation Motivation and Its Subsequent Influence on Prosocial Behavior.Esther Cuadrado, Carmen Tabernero, Antonio R. Hidalgo-Muñoz, Bárbara Luque & Rosario Castillo-Mayén - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Given the negative costs of exclusion and the relevance of belongingness for humans, the experience of exclusion influences social affiliation motivation, which in turn is a relevant predictor of prosocial behavior. Skin conductance is a typical measure of the arousal elicited by emotions. Hence, we argued that both inclusion and exclusion will increase skin conductance level due to the increase of either positive affect or anger affects, respectively. Moreover, we argued that emotional arousal is also related to social affiliation motivation (...)
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  35. Marie-Laure Deroff, Homme/Femme : la part de la sexualité. Une sociologie de l’hétérosexualité.Marie-Carmen Garcia - 2008 - Clio 27:264-265.
    Les modèles traditionnels de la masculinité et de la féminité ont été bouleversés au cours des trente dernières années. On observe ainsi des rapprochements entre les expériences sociales féminines et masculines, une certaine porosité des frontières entre les sexes et l’élaboration d’identités sexuées aux contours mouvants. Partant de ces constats, le livre de Marie-Laure Déroff, confronte des modèles médiatisés de la masculinité et de la féminité et des récits de vie centrés sur la sexualité....
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    Les dieux égyptiens dans l’Onirocriticon d’Artémidore.María Carmen Barrígon Fuentes - 1994 - Kernos 7:29-45.
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    Otra mirada a la filosofía de la acción en Paul Ricoeur. Su recepción en españa. Nota sobre la tesis doctoral de D. francisco José García Lozano, hermenéutica Y reconocimiento. La filosofía de la acción en Paul Ricoeur Y su recepción en el pensamiento español. [REVIEW]María Del Carmen Lara - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 11:349.
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    Contraste de la frecuencia de salida del hogar ante la pandemia por COVID-19.Andrea Egas, Carmen Elena Santander, Marcelo Salazar & Alejandro Grijalva - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):40-45.
    En el siguiente estudio se evalúa un panorama con respecto al comportamiento sociológico en un preámbulo tanto antes durante y después de esta crisis social que se está viviendo debido a la pandemia de hoy en día. Por ello para sustentar dicha investigación se realizó un censo en el cuál, mediante el uso de herramientas estadísticas, se pudo realizar una comparación entre un antes y un durante de la pandemia, lo cual facilitaría intrínsicamente a la predicción de una denominada post (...)
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  39. Gestión de investigación y desarrollo (I+ D) en institutos universitarios tecnológicos.Johana Quintero, Dixa Obando De Theis & Carmen Moreno - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 10 (1):154-170.
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    Between Missed and Denied, a Word in Search of Voice.Carmen Alberdi Urquizu - 2016 - Iris 37:151-163.
    La transition, puisqu’il n’y eut point de coupure, du cinéma muet au parlant nous permet de retracer le parcours d’une parole filmique en quête de voix depuis ses origines. Cette voix, tantôt regrettée dans les films que Chion nomme « sourds » plutôt que « muets », tantôt rejetée sous le « 100 % parlant », erre encore à la surface de l’écran comme dans un entre-deux, à la recherche de la reconnaissance vis-à-vis de son double, l’image. The transition, as (...)
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    Carmen Saeculare Graece Redditum.E. D. Stone - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (04):114-.
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    El Quijote como ejemplo de la articulación de las realidades múltiples.Carmen López Sáenz - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 11.
    ResumenLa autora introduce al lector en la sociofenomenología de la vida cotidiana de A. Schütz desde una lectura hermenéutica de “El Quijote”. Se detiene en el análisis schütziano de las estructuras de relevancias presentes en el universo quijotesco, ilustrando con citas de la obra de Cervantes y comentarios de las mismas las diversas construcciones sociales de los mundos de la vida habitados por los diferentes personajes, principalmente por Don Quijote y Sancho. Las articulaciones de estas realidades múltiples van aclarando el (...)
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    La vie et l'amour dans la pensée de Hegel à francfort.María del Carmen Paredes Martín - 2007 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 197 (1):23-41.
    Si on analyse le concept de vie dans la seconde version de L'amour et dans L'esprit du christianisme, on voit s'amorcer une métaphysique de l'amour comme synthèse et suprême manifestation de la vie ; mais l'amour y représente une élévation sur les niveaux de la loi et une réflexion d'ordre éthique et religieux. On y trouve également une réflexion sur les rapports de l'amour avec la « belle religion » par rapport à l'unité de la vie. Dans L'esprit du christianisme, (...)
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    Interpersonal Skills Program Based on Artistic Expressions to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence in University Students.Lilia Lucy Campos Cornejo, Rosalinda Ramírez Montaldo, Lupe García Ampudia, Miguel Angel Jaimes Campos, Manuel Sánchez-Chero & María del Carmen Villavicencio Guardia - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):177-185.
    This article evaluated the effects of an interpersonal skills program based on artistic expressions to reduce intimate partner violence in college students. The research was of explanatory type, quasi-experimental design and used the Dating Abuse questionnaire (adapted by Osorio, 2014), the Interpersonal Skills questionnaire with reliability of 0.81 having as results in the entry test in terms of violence a mean of 88. 16 and after the program was applied it decreased to 81.2, in interpersonal skills the mean of 46.6 (...)
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    Collaborative economy, a society service? Involvement with ethics and the common good.María Peana Chivite Cebolla, Javier Jorge Vázquez & Carmen Mª Chivite Cebolla - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):657-674.
    The company at the service of today's society is reinventing itself to satisfy people's needs in a more efficient and adapted way. Globalization and digitization promote increasing interaction and new forms of economic organization such as collaborative economy. However, can it be understood that this new business model, more than others, has as its raison d'être in the search for the “common good”? A first approach suggests the presence of values related to collaboration between equals aiming at a common good. (...)
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    Éditorial.Luc Capdevila, Capucine Boidin & Carmen Bernand - 2008 - Clio 27:5-14.
    Le métissage n’est pas une singularité américaine, certes. Le déplacement des hommes et des femmes, la circulation des idées, le commerce des marchandises, les flux financiers qui vont de pair avec les transferts culturels ont généralement favorisé la rencontre des corps et l’hybridation des imaginaires. Mais l’essor du Nouveau Monde depuis le xvie siècle a constitué un « formidable changement d’échelle », élevant l’Amérique en un carrefour des migrations intercontinentales. Théâtre du choc e...
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    Ad Unguem.Armand J. D'Angour - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (3):411-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ad UnguemArmand J. D'Angour vos, oPompilius sanguis, carmen reprehendite, quod nonmulta dies et multa litura coercuit atquepraesectum deciens non castigavit ad unguem.(Horace Ars Poetica 291–94) You, OSons of Pompilius, condemn that poem whichmany a day and many an erasure has not pruned andwhittled down and chastened tenfold to the nail."Censure a poem," Brink paraphrases, "which has not been reduced to right proportions and (when it has been reduced) (...)
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    Cruces Propertianae.J. D. Morgan - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):182-.
    In classical antiquity Propertius' eloquence was renowned. His successor Ovid referred to the blandi praecepta Properti and to blandi…Propertius oris . Quintilian stated that to his taste the most tersus and elegans Latin elegist was Tibullus, but sunt qui Propertium malint. Martial mentioned the facundi carmen iuuenale Properti. Turn now from the opinions of ancient authors to those of some modern commentators as they try to elucidate various passages as presented in the extant manuscripts, and you encounter not the (...)
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    Ovid, Met. 1.4.C. D. Gilbert - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):111-.
    There has been much discussion of the phrase ‘perpetuum… carmen’ and of its relation to Callimachus' rejection of the . Much less has been written about deducite in line 4. However it is, I believe, equally important for the ‘programme’ of Ovid's poem. Deducere is a metaphor frequently applied to poetry in general with the sense of ‘to write, compose something.’ In certain contexts the reference is much more specific and indicates subtle and polished writing of the kind associated (...)
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    The Carmen paschale - D. deerberg der sturz Des judas. Kommentar und studien zur poetischen erbauung bei sedulius. Pp. X + 552. Münster: Aschendorff, 2011. Paper, €70. Isbn: 978-3-402-14445-9. [REVIEW]Patrick McBrine - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):138-140.
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